Do I have to pay sales tax when I order from you?
Good Start Packaging collects and remits sales tax for sales in certain states. If you're purchasing products for use in these states, they may be exempt from sales tax.
We can flag your Good Start Packaging account so that you won't be charged sales tax at checkout. Please visit our Sales Tax Exemption page to learn which states require sales tax and the documentation needed to add an exclusion to your account. This process is quick and usually takes less than one business day to complete.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your business is eligible to claim an exemption from state sales tax. If you're unsure, contact a tax professional for advice before you apply for tax exemption with us.
Sales tax collected from past orders prior to receiving sales tax exemption status can NOT be refunded. If you are submitting to become tax exempt, please hold off on ordering until your exemption is processed and you receive a confirmation email.